Thursday, June 5, 2008

Principles for a Successful Life

A successful life is a satisfying life. It is one where you are healthy, happy and fulfilled in your existence. Most people would like to lead such a life, but many think it is not easy to do. In fact, it is not that difficult. Much of what happens to you in your life is a result of your philosophy or way of thinking and the principles you follow, as well as your attitude toward things.

Questions you may have include:

  • What type of philosophy do I need to have?
  • How do attitude, health and wealth fit in?
  • What do I need to do to get started?

Have a positive philosophy

In order to lead a good, well or satisfying life, you need a positive philosophy toward the major components in your life. These components are your:

  • Attitude
  • Health: Physical, Emotional and Spiritual
  • Communications: Sensing the world and Social interactions
  • Knowledge
  • Activities: Vocation and Leisure

Be good in each

You can be good and attain satisfaction in each of these items, leading to a happy and healthy life.


Your attitude can make your life satisfying, if you:

  • Enjoy life
  • Be accountable for your own well being
  • Think in terms of taking care of your whole person—your body, mind and spirit


The following are ways to attain wellness in the different types of health.

Physical health

Good physical health can make your life satisfying, if you:

  • Are physically active
  • Eat frugally
  • Minimize medical invasiveness

Emotional health

Good emotional health can make your life satisfying, if you:

  • Handle stress well
  • Are aware of your feelings
  • Appreciate the talents you have

Spiritual health

Good spiritual health can make your life satisfying, if you:

  • Are forgiving
  • Are grateful
  • Are at peace


The following are ways to attain wellness in the areas of communication.

Sensing the world

Effective sensing of the world around you can make your life more satisfying, if you:

  • Are observant
  • Are curious
  • Use all your senses

Social interactions

Good social interactions can make your life satisfying, if you:

  • Have respect for other people
  • Try to have everyone win
  • Live for today


Good intellect can make your life satisfying, if you:

  • Think mindfully
  • Are creative
  • Continually grow


A good vocation can make your life satisfying, if you:

  • Have a purpose
  • Help others
  • Are concerned about future generations

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